John Wood left the pieces of a broken civilisation behind, to go back to his roots in the woodland, after a virus pandemic struck the world. Residing in a simple cabin, he only wants peace and to live...
34岁的杰瑞米在陌生的房间里醒来,身边躺着美丽动人又幽默风趣的瑞士女郎Adna。唔,一段转角遇到爱的偶像剧就此展开?不,对杰瑞米来说,这根本是人生故事的神展开。因为他即将结婚,而他另一半则是交往多年的……男友安东万 Jérémie, 34 ans, émerge dans un appartement inconnu aux côtés d’Adna, une ravissante suéd...
They come from all over the world but they have one thing in common: The Foreign Legion, their new family. The film tells their stories: of women struggling to keep their love alive, men who leave f...
本片根据波兰著名同名小说改编,讲述了二战期间,华沙被纳粹德国军队占领,波兰童子军的年轻人们与德国占领者进行英勇斗争的故事。Based on a well-known Polish novel with the same title the movie re-tells a true life story of a group of scouts called ''Szare Sze...