Talitha Campbell, the arrogant daughter of a wealthy entrepreneur, is arrested following the disappearance of fellow student, Hannah Ellis, the hard-working daughter of a single mother. From the ma...
Holloway Riding School, rivals of Bright Fields, steals the cup from them, so Zoe and Pin decide to go and bring it back. Meanwhile Rosie tries to fit in....
1914年,在德文郡小镇,男孩艾尔伯特(杰瑞米·艾文 Jeremy Irvine 饰)目睹了幼驹乔伊的诞生。在集市上,它被频繁叫价,最终被艾尔伯特的父亲泰德(彼得·穆兰 Peter Mullan 饰)用30几尼的天价收入囊中,跛脚的他也因此得罪了地主。艾尔伯特与乔伊尽情 嬉戏,与朋友分享。然而,好景不长,地主登门拜访,称如果乔伊不能犁地将立刻将其带走,于是泰德赌上了全部家当。于是,艾尔伯特在逼迫之...
海伦·米伦与伊恩·麦克莱恩即将出演新线的剧情片《The Good Liar》(优秀的骗子,暂译)。影片将由比尔·康顿执导,他最近的作品,就是在全世界狂揽12亿美元的《美女与野兽》。 在影片中,伊恩爵士饰演一名职业骗子,当他遇到海伦·米伦饰演的富裕寡妇时,简直不敢相信自己的运气。这位寡妇把自己的生活和家门都向骗子打开,骗子却发现自己是真的关心她,让这笔本该骗了就撤的买卖,变成了像走钢丝一样的危...
Talitha Campbell, the arrogant daughter of a wealthy entrepreneur, is arrested following the disappearance of fellow student, Hannah Ellis, the hard-working daughter of a single mother. From the ma...