This is the story of Eva Perón after her death. The embalmed body of “Evita” had an eventful journey that lasted for 22 years, and was every bit as eventful as her 33 years of life. Evita died in 1952...
CBS一直保持自己夏季档有三档原创剧集播出;在终结了《穹顶之下 Under the Dome》和《传世 Extant》之后,CBS将一部新剧《American Gothic》直接预订成剧。本剧由Corinne Brinkerhoff执笔并由《穹顶之下 Under the Dome》和《传世 Extant》的制作人担纲制作,明年将联合新剧《BrainDead》和《困兽 Zoo》一起登陆夏季档。 ...