The victim: Police Constable Greg Schultz. The killer: stand-up comic and Greg's older brother Murray Schultz. Greg's death is the first case for Oscar following his recovery and promotion to ...
CBS一直保持自己夏季档有三档原创剧集播出;在终结了《穹顶之下 Under the Dome》和《传世 Extant》之后,CBS将一部新剧《American Gothic》直接预订成剧。本剧由Corinne Brinkerhoff执笔并由《穹顶之下 Under the Dome》和《传世 Extant》的制作人担纲制作,明年将联合新剧《BrainDead》和《困兽 Zoo》一起登陆夏季档。 ...
Tom Gormican 负责的FOX超自然题材单镜头喜剧《Ghosted》由Craig Robinson及 Adam Scott当主角,该喜剧被形容为类似《X档案 The X-Files》的喜剧版,讲述玩世不恭、热衷怀疑论的Leroy Wright(Craig Rob inson),与相信着超自然力量的天才Max Allison(Adam Scott),他们受聘于一个地下研究局,调查各种猖獗于洛...