Ransom is inspired by the professional experiences of crisis negotiator Laurent Combalbert who with his partner, Marwan Mery, are among the top negotiators in the world. Together, they travel around t...
Crackle过去宣布预订洛杉矶前副警长Joe Halpin主创兼执笔﹑50 Cent制片的10集新剧《誓言 The Oath》,该剧讲述一个原本以好出发点成立的帮派,但在FBI的追捕下,他们开始把矛头指向了身边的同伴。Crackle宣布该剧在美国时间明年3月8日上线。 Sean Bean饰演警察Tom Hammond,有毅力﹑毫不留情的他是一支由执法成员组成的帮派’ 乌鸦帮/The Rav...
《生活大爆炸 The Big Bang Theory》主演Johnny Galecki与编剧Patrick Walsh为CBS开发的多镜头喜剧《圣经狂想曲 Living Biblically》由A.J. Jacobs的书《The Year of Livi ng Bibl ically》所改篇,讲述主角Chip突然觉得自己只重视知识而忽略了信仰,于是决定开始按照圣经的字面意思在日常实践,不过却是闹出...
Bill Martin及Mike Schiff执笔﹑John Hamburg执导的CBS单镜头喜剧《神兽 The Unicorn》(原本是单镜头喜剧,但中途被CBS要求而改变成多镜头,现在又被转回单镜头)由《火线警探 Justified》主演Walton Goggins担 当主角。 这部喜剧讲述成了鳏夫的主角完全没心理准备独自抚养两个女儿,以及再一次与别人约会,但他意外地发现自己「丧偶+单亲...
“Amber Brown” is an unfiltered look at a girl finding her own voice through art and music in the wake of her parents’ divorce. The series will star Carsyn Rose (“The Rookie,” “Cousins for Life”) as Am...