1978年,绰号“蝎子”的乔(雅姆·朗德里·埃贝尔 James Landry Hébert 饰)和同伙兰尼(Michael Villar 饰)刚刚打劫了银行,路上还顺带抓了无辜女子薇薇安·方丹(阿什丽·贝尔 Ashley Bell 饰)当人质。他们驾驶汽车公路上狂奔,而警察紧随其后。追捕过程中,伦尼中弹,虽然侥幸甩掉警察,不过伦尼最终还是死去。乔和薇薇安合力扔掉了伦尼的尸体,接着继续逃亡。然而...
Mike Flaherty unexpectedly visits from Washington, meets his replacement Charlie, and ruins Charlie's attempts at wooing Caitlin. Meanwhile, Randall begins dating Judge Claire Simmons, who is sepa...
Claudia has trust issues, and the press questions Paul's sanity, after his impulsive trip to Florida. Mike handles Randall's divorce and falls for the opposing lawyer. Carter spies on neighbor...