风水轮流转,早前《超级模特儿新秀大赛America’s Next Top Model》中,一班模特儿参赛者被设计师把玩于股掌之中。这回,轮到设计师被超级模特儿Heidi Klum主持的《天桥骄子Project Runway》耍得团团转。 美国Bravo有线电视台于2005年推出的《The Project Runway》是一个云集众多时尚新鲜人共同竞争比赛,缝衣裁剪、创意先行以争夺属于自己的时装产品...
《探长薇拉》的主人公是一个精力旺盛沉迷于工作的狂人。虽然她很孤独但她从轻易不袒露,她凭借敏锐的智慧,策略和勇气来面对生活。剧中陪她出生入死彼此信任的同事名叫Sergeant Joe Ashworth(由David Leon饰演),也是她当成儿子来看待的得力助手。他们以火一样的热情和专业的素养联手处理着每一桩案件。by:yakubd.cc...
Horrible Histories is back with a special episode delving in to the life and times of the world's most famous writer. Tom Stourton stars as the Bard, as we find out about his humble beginnings, hi...
Rapture stares directly into the bright light that hip hop culture shines on the world and doesn't blink. Throughout 8 episodes Rapture dives into artists' lives with their families and friend...