A cinematic odyssey exploring David Bowie’s creative and musical journey. From visionary filmmaker Brett Morgen and sanctioned by the Bowie estate. Five years in the making and featuring never-b...
The new Director of Homeland Security reunites the team when a nuclear powered Russian satellite is knocked out of orbit and must be diverted before it detonates over Southern California....
Dan Levy及Doug Robinson负责的多镜头喜剧《父母债后辈偿 Indebted》(项目原计划为单镜头喜剧,但被NBC要求改变)主角为一对夫妻Dave及Rebecca,他们得协助Dave父母Elliot及Linda偿还两老因财务管理不善的债务。 Adam Pally饰演善良的Dave﹑Abby Elliott饰演Rebecca。Jessy Hodges饰演Dave的妹妹﹑ Ame...
Set on the cusp of the 19th century in Delhi before the British ruled in that region, the drama depicts the fortunes of the residents of Beecham House, an imposing mansion surrounded by acres of exoti...