Mrs. Brown's Boys became a runaway success upon its initial broadcast. Every episode aired won its timeslot for RTé, with an average viewership of 753,500 in January, 2011. One episode's ratin...
"Last Chance U" follows a group of young men training to become the future stars of the NFL. Based at East Mississippi Community College (EMCC), "Last Chance U" takes us on a journ...
Bannister家来了一只新宠物,Zeus原先是警察特种部队的一只英雄犬,然而在Bannister一家看来,做一只牢靠的看门狗它似乎并不够格。圣诞节前夜,Bannister一家出门后,两名夜盗闯进了屋子。Zeus大显身手的时候来了。(文:life_is_good@YDY) The Bannister family's new addition, Zeus (voiced by Ma...
Detective Jay Swan is assigned to investigate a mysterious disappearance on an outback cattle station. Soon, Jay's investigation uncovers a past injustice that threatens the fabric of the whole co...