When former wrestling champion Kakhi learns that his son Soso has gotten himself into difficulties, he travels from Georgia to New York to help him and find out what is going on… Levan Koguashvili has...
In the Alpine village of Tolzbad in the 1800s, the townsfolk talk quietly and restrain their movements lest they incur avalanches. This atmosphere lends itself to repressed emotions - shown through ...
世界各国突然出现黄金大量流失的现象,而黄金的黑市交易却十分兴盛。英国情报部怀疑世界巨富金手指参与了黑市黄金交易,他在日内瓦拥有一座大银行,各国都有大量黄金储备在那里。007邦德(肖恩?康纳利 Sean Connery 饰)开始展开对金手指的调查。 邦德一路跟踪金手指到了日内瓦,发现了他往外运黄金的秘密,他通过用黄金造车身的方法重熔得到金块。邦德被金手指的手下发现了,他们抓住了邦德。邦德在意外...
今年的幸运儿就是《疯狂前女友 Crazy meijubar.net Ex-Girlfriend》,前Showtime开发剧集,现在被CW预定。 其实这部剧集大家都听说过,多个月前,showtime说要开发音乐剧。但是阴差阳错下,却变成了CW的剧集。从半小时喜剧,变成了一小时戏剧。CW看中 该剧的原因,是因为发现该剧有像《处女贞 Jane The Virgin》般的潜力。由于半小时喜剧变成一小时时长...