PANIC is a new Amazon Prime Video one-hour drama series, written and created by Lauren Oliver (based on her bestselling novel). It takes place in a small Texas town, where every summer the graduating ...
Disney+宣布把《天才小医生 Doogie Howser, M.D.》重启,并改变成女主版的《天才女医生 Doogie Kealoha, M.D.》。这部剧由负责过《老爸老妈的浪漫史 How I Met Your Mother》的Kourtney Kang主创,讲述16岁混血儿Doogie Kealoha在夏威夷担当医生。 经常被各美剧提及,Neil Patrick Harris主演的原...
An orphan boy in search of his origin. A young princess held prisoner in deadly Dragon City. Jim and his friend Luke discovering mysterious lands on the quest of a lifetime....