In this sequel to Code 8, Connor (Robbie Amell) is out of prison and working as a janitor at a community center, having cut ties with his former criminal associate Garrett (Stephen Amell). Connor’s at...
An enterprising college student agrees to run his professor's Las Vegas car wash to avoid flunking out of school. But it's Vegas gone wild when he decides to staff it with gorgeous bikini-clad...
布鲁斯·威利斯将出演惊悚新片[死里逃生](Out of Death,暂译)。本片由比尔·劳伦斯(《实习医生风云》)撰写剧本,Mike Burns执导,卡司还有杰米·金(《Summertime Sadness》MV)。金饰演的女人目睹了四个陌生人犯罪,她为了躲避他们而在森林中奔跑,并得到了一位退休护林员(威利斯饰)的帮助。...
Julia Roberts主演并监制Apple TV+限定剧《他告诉我的最后一件事 The Last Thing He Told Me》。 本剧来自Reese Witherspoon的制片公司Hello Sunshine,改编自Laura Dave的同名小说,由Dave和丈夫Josh Singer (《聚焦》)共同创作。 剧版讲述Roberts饰演的女子,在寻找关于自己丈夫为何神秘失踪...