A crew of young environmental activists execute a daring mission to sabotage an oil pipeline, in director Daniel Goldhaber’s taut and timely thriller that is part high-stakes heist, part radical explo...
The story follows a recent divorcee who spends her daily commute fantasizing about a seemingly perfect couple who live in a house that her train passes daily, but something shocking happens there one ...
Rose Byrne和Seth Rogen将主演并简直Apple TV+的半小时喜剧《柏拉图关系 Platonic》。 Nick Stoller和Francesca Delbanco撰写剧本,Stoller同时负责执导。本剧有诗选类元素,每季聚焦不同的两个人。 首季共10集,将探讨柏拉图式友情的内在运作方式。一对年轻时认识的前好友,成年后重新开始联络,试图冰释前嫌。随着两人的友谊变得越...