The Duke of Frome John Langton with his wife, their baby born after complications during childbirth, a domineering nanny, nursery maid and valet arrive at Montague Hall for Lady Felicia's Yuletide...
Set in the 1950s in the fictional village of Kembleford, the series follows Roman Catholic priest Father Brown who has a knack for solving crimes. He is assisted by parish secretary Bridgette McCarthy...
Father Brown(Mark Williams饰演,他是哈利珀特系列里的 Arthur Weasley 英国喜剧演员,编剧和主持人) 是切斯特顿笔下的著名侦探,矮个子,圆脑袋,身材胖儿可爱。手边常有一把标志性的大雨伞,他天性怕羞,说话有些结巴,看起来憨厚纯真,似乎与探案不搭边,却大智若愚,有着很锐利的直觉。...
Hulu及Channel 4预定Aisling Bea主演及执笔的喜剧《朝上 This Way Up》,这部剧讲述聪明的语文教师Aine(Aisling Bea饰)早前来了次「小型」精神崩溃,现在她得努力整理好自己的生活;而女主班上都是群很有个性的学生,他们都在找寻自己的目标。 Sharon Horgan饰演担心妹妹的Shona﹑Aasif Mandvi饰演Shona男友Vish﹑Tobia...